Study of HIV-AIDS Policy Implementation in the Jakarta Region
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Published: 23 January 2025 | Article Type : Research ArticleAbstract
Background: PMK No. 23 Year 2022 mandates that the regulation of HIV, AIDS, and STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection) response aims to reduce to eliminate new HIV and STI infections; reduce to eliminate disability and death caused by AIDS-related conditions and STIs; eliminate stigmatization and discrimination against people infected with HIV and STIs; improve the health status of people infected with HIV and STIs; and reduce the social and economic impacts of HIV, AIDS, and STIs on individuals, families and communities. This policy has not been stated in detail in the DKI Jakarta Regional Regulation No. 5 of 2008.
Methods: The population in this study were all health centers in DKI Jakarta. Sampling was purposive. There were 5 participants for FGDs from Sudinkes. While interviews with health centers were conducted with 8 participants. Respondents who filled out the survey related to knowledge and implementation of programs or policies related to HIV-AIDS were 36 people from program holders in 6 (six) areas of DKI Jakarta.
Results: The program implementers at the sub-district health office and Puskesmas level expected a change in the local regulation that can overshadow every activity carried out.
Conclusions: There is a need for changes to the new DKI Jakarta Regional Regulation that is more comprehensive and refers to the PMK in 2022 with a priority on mobilizing broader partnerships.
Keywords: HIV-AIDS policy, local regulation of DKI Jakarta, PMK 2022.

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Article Type
Research Article
How to Cite
Raden Siti Maryam, Ni Made Riasmini, Paula Krisanty, Eros Siti Suryati, Purwadi, Rahmat Aji Pramono. (2025-01-23). "Study of HIV-AIDS Policy Implementation in the Jakarta Region." *Volume 8*, 1, 1-8